Kirkkomusiikin osastoVirtuaalikatedraali Sibelius-Akatemia

Opening page
   On the manuscripts   Old hymn tunes   Loimijoki-manuscript






This collected edition has been compiled on the basis of the manuscripts of Liber Templi Ilmolensis, the Kangasala manuscript and the Notae Psalmorum and transcribed in modern musical notation. In addition, melodies from the manuscript of G. G. Gammal are included, along with some melodies which are referred to in the manuscripts only by their Text Incipits.

The order of the edition largely follows that of the Swedish hymnal of 1589 up to number 192, and thereafter that of the Kangasala manuscript. For the melodies from other sources, the particular source used has been given.

An effort has been made to correct the apparent mistakes in the melodies by comparing them with the melodies in collections printed in Finnish, Swedish and German during the 16th and 17th century. In melodies originally written in long note values, these note values have been halved.
